Friday, August 28, 2009

Top 10 moments of the Summer

10.) My grandmother telling my grandfather to shut up and talk to someone else...I literally couldn't stop laughing

9.) Babysitting and earning an obscene amount of money for it...4 teenagers, 2 dogs, one dead bird, 7 gallons of milk and 8 days. This week proved to me I am not ever going to be ready to become a mother.

8.) Fraiser and Will and Grace with Retta, some of the best nights of the whole summer

7.) All of the intense movies/episodes of Army Wives watched with the greatest friends ever

6.) Riding in the golf cart with Matt...with him driving and me clinging to the pool table cover for dear life

5.) Astros game with the family where I ate a hot dog as big as my head

4.) Fleas/Raccoons in Burt, if you haven't heard this story yet, ask... its hilarious

3.) Dinners with Sarah, many adventures and lots of laughs

2.) RA Training, enough said.

1.) Trip to Austin with Robyn, Allye, and Angie. I love Freebirds, "Away We Go" and those three amazing ladies

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

3, 2, 1... Blast Off

Ok, so much has happened since I last posted I can't even start to go through all of it. Between a long trip home to see the family (which was needed and wonderful), to RA training, my new wing and the first week of classes... Whew. Crazy.

First of all, I am so so so glad Burt is full of girls again! I missed all my RAs and having residents... I love my new wing, a lot.

Second, can I just say that for the first time in my life I feel like I am finally in a stable place. Which is ironic since I will be uprooted from this place in exactly 106 days, but it feels really good. I have the best friends I could have ever asked for, my depression is more managable than ever, my family is happy and healthy and classes are relatively enjoyable. Not to say that life is perfect, obviously. But I guess I am just so grateful for this chance to breathe before life takes off to another place. God is so good.

Third and finally, a treasured friend last night said something so profound to me. She probably didn't even realize how much it would affect me, but it has. "Brooke, you are no longer the victim, you are a lot stronger than you think you are". And it hit me, all of the growing and brokenness and counseling and love that has poured over my life this past couple of years has been worth it. Somehow, I don't know how or when, I stopped being the victim. And let me just tell you, there is no feeling like realizing evil didn't win. There is light at the end of the tunnel and boy... is it beautiful.