Sunday, April 25, 2010

Penelope Petunia

Today I finished planting my herb garden. So far I am only growing basil, dill and chives but I am loving my little pot of dirt so far :) As you may have guessed, I named her Penelope Petunia. You can call her Ms. Petunia if your feeling sassy. I am hoping that investing in growing something will be good for me psychologically. I have heard that is the case. Here is her first photo :)

I would also like to say thanks to my lovely friends for coming to visit recently. I had a blast with Allye and then Robyn this week! And then hang out time with my Soma chicas last night and today! I love my friends a lot. You are all such a blessing and the reason I feel loved. Thanks for calling, texting, and just generally being great. I have better friends than I deserve.

As far as the job hunt goes... well it goes. I have applied for 40+ jobs and have one interview... I'm not really excited about it either, it's not really what I want. I feel as though I am at the same crossroads I was at in December. Do I take a job because it is responsible and right and smart even though I will hate it? Or do I try and wait it out for a job I will actually have some interest in? I don't know what to do. There isn't a good answer.

I am doing ok, better than I thought I would be for sure. Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic week! I am praying for you and your projects and tests and finals and for those of you not in school lets all praise Jesus for it! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

silly inspiration

While I was looking up inspirational quotes for someone else I found these and they are ridiculous. Enjoy...

"Age is of no importance unless you’re a cheese." - Billie Burke

"Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive it isn't." -Richard Bach

"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so." -Bertrand Russell

"The shortest distance between two points is under construction". -Noelie Alito

And my favorite...

"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg." – C. S. Lewis

Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010


Welp, as most of you know today I got fired from my job. It's the weirdest feeling to actually hear that you don't measure up. First of all, I want you all to know that I am okay. I really am. Yes, I am sad, and disappointed and frustrated. But I'm okay.

Secondly, I do not have a plan. Yes, I am applying for jobs furiously and no I have no leads. Other than that I don't know what the future holds. Ask all you like that will probably still be the answer. You ideas are welcome but know that I do say no(just ask my father) so don't be offended if I don't go chasing whatever it is that you came up with.

Third, you are welcome to come and visit. In fact, I would like that very much. For the time being I obviously don't have a job to go to so if you want to come and check on me or just hang out I am good with that. Don't feel like you have to but know that you are welcome. As far as this weekend goes, I am planning on going home to visit my family.

Fourth and finally, I know that this is all apart of God's plan. It is always pretty clear to me that I have no idea what God is doing in my life. There is purpose in this. I know that. It's not easy to swallow but I know it's true. God is good, even in confusion and frustration and sadness.

Thanks to all of you are praying. Your friendship and loyalty are really overwhelming to me most of the time. I am lucky to have you all in my life. So so lucky.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I CAN'T WAIT! (Insert Squeal here)

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Sorry I sound so mannish"

Allergies are EVIL. When people informed me that Austin had terrible allergies I pushed the worries aside. Eh, I have nothing to worry about. I've never had trouble with allergies before. Guess what? I am allergic, super allergic. I have been informed that the demon yellow pollen that has ascended upon every surface in the general area is OAK. Who knew such a pleasant tree could produce such a heinous compound? I didn't. I have also been informed that later this year I can look forward the onslaught of Cedar. Apparently, this little gem can produce a fever that is similar to the flu. Awesome.

Anyway, I am a triple cocktail of Zicam allergy, Zyrtec and Dayquil/Niquil. I don't really know what else to do. I am also trying to eat local honey (someone told me that helps). If you have an idea, lemme know. I am open to ANYTHING short of cutting off my head and honestly, at this point, I would even consider that. Ok, so not really. But kinda. :)

PS. Glee returns in 4 DAYS!!!!!!! Yippee!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Music and Lyrics

As some of you may know, "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks was my absolute favorite song as a young child. I loved to sing it ALL the time. Needless to say, my mother was probably frequently embarrassed by her 6 year old belting out "Where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away" . That combined with my flare for the dramatic was likely concerning for her conservative baptist self.

Anyway, I heard that song on the radio today and I was JAMMING OUT. Loudly. I mean at stop lights people were giving me the stink eye. But I love that a song can do that for me. Music is such a good healthy thing in my life. I think that most of the people I know would agree with me.

Music is great. That's all.

On a non-related note entirely, Retta is coming tomorrow. I am pumped :)

"I've got Friends in Low Places" - Garth Brooks
(Verse 1 and Chorus)

Blame it all on my roots
I showed up in boots
And ruined your black tie affair
The last one to know
The last one to show
I was the last one
You thought you'd see there
And I saw the surprise
And the fear in his eyes
When I took his glass of champagne
And I toasted you
Said, honey, we may be through
But you'll never hear me complain

'Cause I've got friends in low places

Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places