Monday, June 28, 2010

New Directions

Well folks, I will be seeing a lot more of this in my future! I am the newest employee of Bath and Bodyworks Outlet! Yes, it is part time and minimum wage but it's a job! Yay! Thanks to all of you who prayed, called, visited and well just plain loved me. Who knows what's next or what God is doing here? Whatever it is I am excited! I start Wednesday! What's your favorite scent from B&B?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Speeding Tickets.

Should I feel guilty that I am taking my defensive driving class while writing this blog, watching So You Think You Can Dance and surfing Facebook?

Well, I don't.

Does that make me a bad person?

I have to find a job, like yesterday. I know that God is in control. I know I have to be patient and that the job I didn't get this week that I really wanted wasn't part of the plan. I have no idea what God is doing.

On another note, I love So You Think You Can Dance. A lot.

Oh and I miss you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


"Left to my own devices I will consistently choose my old ways". My pastor has been saying that over and over in one way or another in my past months here in Austin. It has been a continuous discussion about community, about it's importance. I have always known that community is important. My friends are some of the most important things in my life.

In the past months my mind has been blown over and over again by how little I truly understood about community. Depending on each other wholly. Knowing honestly what is going on each other's lives, what each of us is struggling with. Walking in those struggles together. Holding each other accountable. Openly confessing when we screw up. Loving each other despite the human failings that war against community happening.

There is obviously a lot more to this discussion; a lot more I have learned and will learn. This system isn't perfect. All of this just to say that community is vital. I can say that I have learned that the hard way. We can't do this all on our own. Thank goodness we don't have to.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Presto Change-o

Well folks, as you can see I have changed the blog. I had been thinking about it and then Allye G. and Robyn A. (and Sarah not so long ago) did it and I couldn't help myself. I am such a copy cat :) Any-who, I hope you like it. If you have a criticism please submit it. I won't view it personally.

I have had a very interesting week. It started with me driving one of my best friends in the whole world to the airport and watching her get on a plane and flying away for who knows how long. I waited until I got to the car to cry (You're welcome Ang). I was pretty amazed I could. I thought I would lose it, apparently I am unpredictable... even to myself. As you read this, pray for Angie. She is brave, braver than me. I love ya lady!

Then I had a job interview with the City of Georgetown! It went better than any interview I have ever had! There was a lot of questions and it was a panel interview, which is unusual but something I had done before. (Thanks UMHB)! Speaking of which, they told me that the reason they gave me a shot was because I had worked in a college dorm. Apparently, if I can handle that, I can handle this job! Put that sucker on your resume ladies and gents!

The last thing I wish to say is that I would like to thank you all for praying for me. These last couple of weeks I have felt the most unusual peace. The kind that is surprising, unexpected, overwhelming, inexplicable. The kind that God dishes out. Between Angie leaving, the job interview, and my feelings of depression I normally would have had a "rough week". But I have had such peace. Everything isn't perfect, but God is the one in charge. I know that I would not be feeling this peace without Him or without each of you. For that I thank you.

To end on a completely ridiculous note, I would like to say that I don't understand the world's fascination with vampires. Pale, boring, blood suckers w/ centuries of baggage? Yeah, sounds great.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


There is love that came for us
Humbled to a sinner's cross
You broke my shame and sinfuless
You rose again victorious

Faithfulness none can deny
Through the strom and through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger you are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me
It is written
Christ is risen
Jesus you are Lord of all

No beginning and no end
You're my hope and my defense
You came to seek and save the lost
You paid it all upon the cross

So let your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher be lifted higher

Friday, June 4, 2010

I like lists.

- I have a job interview on Wednesday... I really want to get this job. However I have little to no anxiety about it. I think I am finally coming to the realization that God has this. No matter what happens. It's a good place to be.

- Upon my new obsession with Criminal Minds, I have also fallen in love with Dr. Spencer Reed. He is delightfully nerdy and awkward. I realize he is fictional. I think that's half the attraction.

- I can't believe that my youngest brother graduated from high school week ago... Crazy.

- Every time I see a new reality show commercial I wonder who watches this crap. Did you know there is a show about being an exterminator? And one about ice truckers? What the heck?

- Sarah looks beautiful in her wedding dress. This time next year we will be in full wedding prep mode. How exciting!

- Angie is moving to Miami really soon. I am really going to miss her. I don't even want to think about it.

- My parents up and left for Colorado this week, on a whim. And we wonder where I get my eccentricities...