Well folks, as you can see I have changed the blog. I had been thinking about it and then Allye G. and Robyn A. (and Sarah not so long ago) did it and I couldn't help myself. I am such a copy cat :) Any-who, I hope you like it. If you have a criticism please submit it. I won't view it personally.
I have had a very interesting week. It started with me driving one of my best friends in the whole world to the airport and watching her get on a plane and flying away for who knows how long. I waited until I got to the car to cry (You're welcome Ang). I was pretty amazed I could. I thought I would lose it, apparently I am unpredictable... even to myself. As you read this, pray for Angie. She is brave, braver than me. I love ya lady!
Then I had a job interview with the City of Georgetown! It went better than any interview I have ever had! There was a lot of questions and it was a panel interview, which is unusual but something I had done before. (Thanks UMHB)! Speaking of which, they told me that the reason they gave me a shot was because I had worked in a college dorm. Apparently, if I can handle that, I can handle this job! Put that sucker on your resume ladies and gents!
The last thing I wish to say is that I would like to thank you all for praying for me. These last couple of weeks I have felt the most unusual peace. The kind that is surprising, unexpected, overwhelming, inexplicable. The kind that God dishes out. Between Angie leaving, the job interview, and my feelings of depression I normally would have had a "rough week". But I have had such
peace. Everything isn't perfect, but God is the one in charge. I know that I would not be feeling this peace without Him or without each of you. For that I thank you.
To end on a completely ridiculous note, I would like to say that I don't understand the world's fascination with vampires. Pale, boring, blood suckers w/ centuries of baggage? Yeah, sounds great.