Sunday, February 28, 2010


As most of you know, I have been dealing with or managing (or whatever you would say to make the phrase less awkward) depression. It is one of those things that I feel like comes in waves. I have these moments and time periods when I feel good. I feel like the proverbial "dark cloud" is far away and it is easier to manage. And then there are those times... The times I dread. The dark cloud is hovering, looming. It's reality. I can't really describe to you how it feels. It reminds me of when cold weather is moving in. You feel the wind blowing, there's a chill, the air feels crisper. Then all of a sudden its snowing. And I feel overwhelmed.

I know part of this is stress and anxiety. I know that one always contributes to the other. I know that God is bigger than this. I have said more than once that I see the light at the end of the tunnel with all of this. The truth is, the waves come and go. Some days are good, some are terrible.

I have no real answer. Or question for that matter. I feel like I have mulled through the things I felt were the cause of the initial onset of depression pretty thoroughly. The past is the past. I am good with that. I am rambling. Just keep me in your prayers friends.


  1. I love you. Ashton is dealing with a really tough season of depression right now too. I'm praying for you sweet friend.

  2. I know how ya feel with all this. :/ Im prayin for ya Brooke!!
