Thursday, August 12, 2010


So, RA training is starting soon. I know that because I have seen the tweets, and facebook status stuff talking about moving back. And, its weird. I never thought I would really miss this time of year. The getting ready for classes, moving, unpacking, no sleep, Hardy food... But the truth is, in a lot of ways I do miss it. I even miss RA Training. Well... parts of it. I don't miss inventories, or having bunk beds dropped on me, or CPR with Nurse Debbie and her tampon nose-bleed stoppers... But I miss the comraderie. I miss "camp". I miss my people.

I love Austin, more than is probably natural for "person to city" love. But, people I miss you. I even miss that weird Burt smell. I know, I know, this is a ridiculous post. But, if you read this blog ever, you know I am overly-emotional and frequently far too sentimental. So here I am, proving to you that I am who you know me to be.

Have fun peeps. I miss you, and I will praying for you as the ladies move in! Love love.

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