Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ok, talk about a crazy whirlwind week. This week I got a job at AT&T, found an apartment, applied to live there, started gathering the stuff to furnish this apartment, and confirmed that I am graduating. Holy Toledo Batman! It has been so obvious that God intended this all. I don't know why I ever doubt Him...

20 days... 20. That's all I have left. I now find myself juggling 3 major lives. School, work and home. There is so much to be done for each of those three lives. Demands to be met. They can't be neglected. SO much to do. But, it is all so exciting. I hope I can remember to soak it all in. These last moments of college. The final countdown to adulthood. I realized today just how much I am going to miss my friends...

Now, I will leave you with the two funniest quotes (that I can remember) of the week:

"I am really blessed that God has given me the gift of BS-ing." -Boy in Hardy

"When you get stuck in quick sand, you have to keep your head above your body"- Meghan
"When is your head ever not above your body Meghan?" - Robyn A.

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